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Since 2013, hospitals are being financially penalized when the patients they discharge are avoidably re-admitted within 30 days. As a result, hospitals now have a huge financial stake in the care their patients receive after discharge.

This is leading to the creation of health referral networks and a change in traditional referral patterns upon hospital discharge. Assisted living communities who adapt a program supporting a reduction in avoidable hospital re-admissions will have a distinct advantage to being included in these networks.


STRAIGHT LINE is a resident-centered program designed to cut readmissions in Assisted Living Communities. It’s based on a simple and very basic principle: “The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line.” In our case, the 2 points we are connecting are:

1. An assisted living resident, and
2. The resident’s primary care provider.

STRAIGHT LINE will give you the information you need to reduce avoidable 30-day hospital re-admissions. It’s simple, intuitive, and efficient. It doesn’t promote a burdensome, intrusive, complicated process that ends up distracting you from this mission.

There is nothing magic about reducing avoidable hospital re-admissions. With focus and commitment from your community using the STRAIGHT LINE program, you can achieve impressive results.

What is the Foundation for STRAIGHT LINE?

The foundation for STRAIGHT LINE is a combination of the medical literature, individual reports and success stories, and the deep and broad clinical experience of Dr. Steven Fuller whose commitment to medicine includes more than 25 years of direct patient care. Dr. Fuller has discharged thousands of patients from hospitals and has provided medical care to thousands of patients discharged from hospitals in a wide variety of community-based settings. He knows what works and what doesn’t work. And the greater the degree in which the STRAIGHT LINE program is implemented in your community, the better the expected results.


STRAIGHT LINE is comprised of 3 core modules. These modules are offered as 3 pre-recorded videos. Partners may access and view the videos and download pdf video text whenever they choose, as often as they choose. We also describe an important elective module that supports the 3 core modules. The elective support module is available for separate purchase and is highly recommended as it strongly compliments the 3 core modules.

When your payment has been confirmed, you will be given access to the STRAIGHT LINE videos and pdf texts.

Questions and customer support about implementing STRAIGHT LINE are addressed via e-mail or telephone (as shown below) with prompt responses. Onsite visits with Dr. Fuller at your community may also be arranged.

We urge you to partner with us to reduce avoidable hospital re-admissions and obtain the STRAIGHT LINE program from STRAIGHT LINE CONNECT.



“I know of no better resource currently available on the market than Dr. Fuller’s STRAIGHT LINE program for reducing avoidable re-admissions and improving the communication of clinically relevant information in a timely manner between facility personnel and a resident’s primary care clinician. STRAIGHT LINE offers assisted living communities the wherewithal to succeed in the new era of “value-based payment” for health services, wherein resident referrals to assisted living will be driven by a community’s documented ability to reduce the unnecessary consumption of health care resources, including unwarranted emergency room referrals, hospitalizations, and 30-day re-admissions.”

Alan Kronhaus, M.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Campbell University
Co-Founder & CEO, DoctorsMakingHousecalls (the largest geriatric practice in North Carolina, providing onsite care at over 160 retirement communities) and a regional Medical Director for Brookdale Senior Living.

"I have worked with Dr. Fuller since June of 2014. He has been a staunch advocate for a positive and high quality patient/resident experience, and he has always advocated for this experience at the core of the creation of our City Club platform. This outlook has been further embodied in our company’s team meetings where Dr. Fuller has focused our attention with an eye toward holistic real estate development to bridge the delta between monetizing and a solid foundation for the benefit of the consumer. Dr. Fuller brings that same verve and passion, where he combines real world clinical experience with a deep knowledge of the healthcare literature, to produce a winning product with a clear value added proposition. The STRAIGHT LINE program and approach is intuitive and minimizes any barriers to implementation. It offers assisted living communities the best chance for having the lowest possible rate of avoidable re-admissions.

Because of his unfettered dedication and support of high quality client services, I am confident that Dr. Fuller will be successful with this new venture. He is always thinking outside the box to offer the Senior Housing industry innovative and yet user friendly platforms that change or enhance resident experience.

Beyond his professional experience as a health care provider, Dr. Fuller's strategy includes a refined cost/benefit analysis that shows a remarkable understanding of bottom line P & L factors and a firm grasp and understanding of owner operator constraints for mitigating risk and capturing ROI.

At the genesis of this service, he has clearly married both the need for his opportunity to use his almost 3 decades of skill and leadership to engage the basic principles to avoid attrition by the resident as well as the economics so that it is affordable for all communities."

F. Anthony Santiago
Founder & Chief Executive Officer